The W960 is the newest smartphone from SE.
It has has 8 GB of internal storage, 3,2 megapixel camera and a touch screen.
So lets gets started. The phones exterior is made almost entirely out of plastic, but it still has a good build quality and it lays firmly in your hand. The keypad is wide and easy to use.
The touch screen is not like for example the Iphone, on the W960 you literary have to press the screen inwards. That means that you can the stylus thats included. And you are going to need it, unless you have very small fingers. Most of the time the screen is responsive but not always. In the, home screen, main menu and in the basic features (like the walkman) it works well to use your finger but once you get deeper the options will be smaller, and thats when its good to have the stylus. The phone has no direction keys but is has a jog wheel on the laft hand of the phone. IT offers a quick and responsive way of entering the options easily.
The smartphone includes many different functions like Walkman, Maps, quickoffice, PDF, Wi-Fi, radio and so on. The main menu of the Sony Ericsson W960 allows two different views: icon grid and list view. The font throughout the user interface is rather small, except for the file manager, messaging and phonebook, where you can choose between there different font sizes. The smartphone interface is customizable through various graphic themes.
Since this a Walkman phone you would expect it to be really to be noicy and powerful. It isn't. The sound is of good quality, but it's so low. Even on the top volume your favorite song will be deafened by the noise around you. When your talking with someone on the phone it is more than load enough. But the Wlakman itself and the layout of it is really good and offers almost endless oppurtunities.
Usually the messaging department is among the strengths of any smartphone. Sony Ericsson W960 is not an exception to the rule. It offers rich functions combined with several text-input options. You can enter text using a virtual on-screen QWERTY keyboard or simply handwrite with the stylus on the touchscreen display. As regards handwriting recognition, the phone manages very well. The Sony Ericsson W960 also offers an enhanced version of the T9 dictionary - its thesaurus is expandable - you can add your own words and it can even remember whole messages. You can of course also use the keydpad to write with.
The 3.2 megapixel camera is one of the best features on this phone. It has a well functioning autofocus and deliveres more than doable photos in agreable light conditions. Because the camera have no blitz, like most phones, only a dull photo light it requires bright light to take good photos.
The main problem with the phone however is that it quite slow sometimes. Espicially when the Walkman is running.It also has not got a memory card slot, luckily it has 8 GB of internal space. But all over this a good and entertaining smartphone with a nice build quality.
Big screen
Good camera
Great Walkman player
8 GB
Smartphone features
Low sound in the Walkman player
Lacks GPS
No memory card slot
Can be slow at times
Recently it has now popped up a lot of pictures of Sony Ericsson's new flagship, the Idou.
This phone looks promising. I think the menu system looks like the one on the Nokia 5800 Expressmusic. But the itself looks better. I'm also wondering how good camera will be, at least 12 megapixels sounds amazing.
You can find a lot of pictures at:
I am considering buying me a new phone, preferably a touchscreen phone. These are the ones I'm considering:
This is my first video review ever. Of my Nokia 6110 Navigator.
In the recent days I have been looking forward to the summer, and beginning to feel the smell of spring here in cold Norway. Just when i have packed away my skies what happens? It's beginning to snow again, I'm getting quite tired of this cold weather. I have to watch my every step when I go out, if not there is large chance of falling on my buttocks. But I hope that it soon will all be over, at least the days are brighter already.
Labels: Winter